个人简介:郑媛媛博士,原法国里尔大学土木工程系副教授,现任新葡的京集团8814副教授,基础设施运维教研室主任,博士生导师。长期从事岩土材料纳米尺度建模及分子动力学模拟研究工作,主要研究黏土矿物的微观力学性质,含水黏土矿物的固结微观机理,红层软岩遇水软化崩解过程及力学机理,冻土中冰水相变过程及力学性质,非饱和土微观力学性质,软土固化机理及改良等。在国际著名期刊上发表高水平SCI论文36篇,其中中科院JCR一区TOP8篇。主持科研项目4项,包括国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,广东省基础与应用基础研究面上项目1项,国家重点研发计划研究专项子课题1项,冻土工程国家重点实验室开放基金项目1项。担任Applied Clay Science, Computers and Geotechnics, Computational Materials Science, Journal of Molecular Liquids等期刊审稿人。



Lilan ZHANG, Yuan-Yuan ZHENG*, Zhenyu YIN, Ali ZAOUI, Interparticle friction behaviors of kaolinite: Insights into macroscale friction from nanoscale, Applied Clay Science, 2024, 261, 107571.

Weiwei NIU, Baohe GUO, Kunhong LI, Zhifeng REN*, Yuan-Yuan ZHENG, Jiankun LIU, Hongjie LIN, Xiaoxiong MEN, Cementitous material based stabilization of soft soils by stabilizer: Feasibility and durabiliy assessment, Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 425, 136046.

Daoyang ZHUANG, Qichang FAN, Yuan-Yuan ZHENG*, Shengkun DONG, Dan MENG, Study on the interaction properties between curdlan polysaccharide and water molecules in coal processing sludge by molecular dynamics simulation, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2024, 26, 163.

Qichang FAN, Yuan-Yuan ZHENG*, Yong YANG, Sichang LIU, Dan MENG, Qun GUO, Yiming LIU, Effect of interface properties between functionalized cellulose nanocrystals and tricalcium silicate on the early hydration mechanism of cement, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 698, 134552.

Yiming LIU, Yuan-Yuan ZHENG*, Hongjie LIN, Pengchang WEI, Qichang FAN, Gege HUANG, Dan MENG, Calculation of contact angle via Young-Dupré equation with molecular dynamic simulation: Kaolinite as an example, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2024, 697, 134469.

Pengchang WEI, Yuan-Yuan ZHENG*, Ali ZAOUI, Frictional mechanisms of hydrated montmorillonite under normal loading, Computers and Geotechnics, 173, 106568.

Ming LU, Yuan-Yuan ZHENG*, Zhenyu YIN, A molecular dynamics study on the softening of kaolinite in water: Weakening of tensile property during stretching and disintegration of structure during soaking, Computers and Geotechnics, 2024, 173, 106562.

Pengchang WEI, Yuan-Yuan ZHENG*, Ali ZAOUI*, Wei MA, Zhifeng REN, Ice-Unfrozen Water on Montmorillonite Surface: a Molecular Dynamics Study, Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 2024, 39, 100569.

Ming LU, Yuan-Yuan ZHENG*, From sedimentation to consolidation of kaolinite: A molecular dynamic study, Computers and Geotechnics, 2024, 170, 106285.

Ming LU, Wei HUANG*, Yuan-Yuan ZHENG, Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of the Effects of Water Content and Wettability on the Shear Properties of Kaolinite for the Failure of Clay Soil, Applied Nano Materials, 2024, 7, 2843-2854.

Jianhong WAN, Ali ZAOUI*, Xue-You LI, Yuan-Yuan ZHENG, Molecular Dynamics simulations of the interface friction behavior between fiber-reinforced polymer pile and sand, Tribology International, 2024, 192, 109288.

Ming LU, Qiu-Feng DIAO, Yuan-Yuan ZHENG*, Zhen-Yu YIN, Zheng DAI, Influence of Water on Tensile Behavior of Illite through the Molecular Dynamics Method, International Journal of Geomechanics, 2024, 24(4), 04024024.

Pengchang Wei, Shengbiao Zhou, Yuan-Yuan Zheng*, Zhen-Yu Yin, Wangqi Xu, Nanoscale Stick-SliP Behavior and Hydration of Hydrated Illite Clay, Computers and Geotechnics, 2024, 166, 105976.

Pengchang Wei, Yong Xiong, Yuan-Yuan Zheng*, Ali Zaoui, Zhen-Yu Yin, Weiwei Niu, Nanoscale friction at the quartz-quartz/kaolinite interface, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2023, 676, 132296.

Wang-Qi Xu, Zhen-Yu Yin, Yuan-Yuan Zheng*, Investigating silica interface rate-dependent friction behavior under dry and lubricated conditions with molecular dynamics, Acta Geotechnica, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11440-022-01792-2.

Peng-Chang Wei, Yuan-Yuan Zheng*, Ali Zaoui, Zhen-Yu Yin, Atomistic study on thermo-mechanical behavior and structural anisotropy of montmorillonite under triaxial tension and compression, Applied Clay Science, 2023, volume 233, 106817.

Pengchang Wei, Yuan-Yuan Zheng*, Yong Xiong, Shengbiao Zhou, Kamal Al-Zaoari, Ali Zaoui, Effect of water content and structural anisotropy on tensile mechanical properties of montmorillonite using molecular dynamics, Applied Clay Science, 2022, volume 228, 106622.

Pengchang Wei, Daoyang Zhuang, Yuan-Yuan Zheng*, Ali Zaoui *, Wei Ma, Temperature and pressure effect on tensile behavior of ice-Ih under low strain rate: A molecular dynamics study, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, volume 355, 118945.

Kamal Al-Zaoari,Yuan-Yuan Zheng*, Peng-Chang Wei, Li-Lan Zhang, Zhen-Yu Yin, Early stage of swelling process of dehydrated montmorillonite through molecular dynamics simulation, Materials Chemistry and Physics 283, 2022, volume 283, 126015.

Peng-Chang WEI, Li-Lan ZHANG, Yuan-Yuan ZHENG*, Qiu-Feng DIAO, Dao-Yang ZHUANG, Zhen-Yu YIN, Nanoscale friction characteristics of hydrated montmorillonites using molecular dynamics, Applied Clay Science, 2021, volume 201, 106155.

Li-Lan ZHANG, Yuan-Yuan ZHENG*, Peng-Chang WEI, Qiu-Feng DIAO, Zhen-Yu YIN, Nanoscale mechanical behaviour of kaolinite under uniaxial strain conditions, Applied Clay Science, 2021, volume 201, 105961.

Pin ZHANG, Zhen-Yu YIN*, Yuanyuan ZHENG, Fu-Ping GAO, A LSTM surrogate modelling approach for caisson foundations, Ocean Engineering, 2020, volume 204, 107263.

Zhen-Yu YIN*, Jing-Cheng TENG, Zheng LI, Yuan-Yuan ZHENG, Modelling of suction bucket foundation in clay: From finite element analyses to macro-elements, Ocean Engineering, 2020, volume 210, 107577.

Y.ZHENG and A. ZAOUI, Mechanical behavior in hydrated Na-montmorillonite clay. Physica A, volume 505, page 582-590, 2018.

Y. ZHENG and A. ZAOUI, Wetting and nanodroplet contact angle of the clay 2:1 surface: The case of Na-montmorillonite (001).Applied Surface Science, volume 396, page 717-722, 2017.

W. YANG, Y.ZHENG and A. ZAOUI, Swelling and diffusion behavior of Na-Vermiculite at different hydrated states. Solid State Ionics, volume 282, page 13-17, 2015.

Y. ZHENG, A.ZAOUI and A. PASTEAU,Interactions between clay portions with various contacts and subjected to specific environmental conditions, Applied Surface Science, volume 292, page 311-318, 2014.

Y. ZHENG and A. ZAOUI, Temperature effects on the diffusion of water and monovalent counterions in the hydrated montmorillonite, Physica A, volume 392,page 5994-6001, 2013.

Y. ZHENG, A. ZAOUI and I. SHAHROUR,A theoretical study of swelling and Shrinking of Hydrated Wyoming Montmorillonite, Applied Clay Science, volume 51, page 177-181, 2011.

Y. ZHENG, A. ZAOUI and I. SHAHROUR, How Water and Counterions diffuse into the Hydrated Montmorillonite, Solid State Ionics, volume 203, page 80-85, 2011.

Y. ZHENG, A. ZAOUI and I. SHAHROUR, Evolution of the interlayer space of hydrated montmorillonite as a function of temperature, American Mineralogist, volume 95, pages 1493-1499, 2010.

张莉兰,2018级岩土工程硕士,在校期间在Applied Clay Science期刊上发表论文2篇,多次获得研究生一等奖助金、锦粤达奖学金,2021年毕业并获评优秀毕业论文,2021年获得CSC国家公派留学资格,于2021年9月赴法国里尔大学攻读博士。




1. 法国国家放射性核废料处理研究所(ANDRA):关于在特殊环境条件下黏土颗粒多种接触方式性质的研究。(2011,已结题)

2. 法国北部大区(Nord-pas-de-Calais)政府项目:区域内土壤重金属污染物扩散情况研究。(2012,已结题)

3. 法国里尔LGCGE实验室:关于黏土颗粒表面润湿性研究。运用分子动力学方法模拟水滴在蒙脱土表面的接触角。(2013,已结题)

4. 法国里尔LGCGE实验室:黏土晶体结构弯曲变形的原子结构建模与物理力学性质研究。(2016,已结题)

5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:粘土矿物固结理论的分子动力学模拟研究,(2021,已结题)

6. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目:蒙脱石与水相互作用机理的分子动力学模拟研究(2021.01-2023.12,已结题)

7. 国家重点研发计划重点专项:煤化工固废源头减量及清洁高质利用新技术研究,子课题:化工污泥结构解聚及束缚水定向转换技术研究(在研)

8. 冻土工程国家重点实验室开放基金项目:含水黏土矿物冰水相变过程及力学性质的分子动力学模拟研究(2022.01-2024.12,在研)



与法国里尔大学Ali ZAOUI 教授保持长期合作,推荐CSC奖学金学生赴法国攻读博士学位。
