
新葡的京集团8814“百人计划”青年学术骨干,地下空间工程副教授。东南大学与加拿大女王大学联合培养博士,香港城市大学博士后研究员。主要从事地下结构与土的相互作用研究,具体包括地层大变形下管隧生命线韧性提升、埋地结构物可靠度设计、地下结构沉降控制及修复、海底缆管健康评估等。主持/参与国家、省部级科研课题5项。在岩土领域权威期刊《Géotechnique》和《Canadian Geotechnical Journal》等发表SCI/EI论文30余篇,授权发明/实用/软著10余项。

BIO: Dr. Xiaogang Qin is an associate professor in underground space engineering at Sun Yat-sen University. He finished his Ph.D. at SEU in China and QueensU in Canada and was a postdoctoral researcher at CityU of HK. His research focuses on the interaction between underground structures and soils, especially in resilience improvement of pipe and tunnel lifelines under ground deformation, reliability design of buried structures, settlement control and rehabilitation of underground structures, and health assessment of underwater pipes and cables. He hosts/participates in 5 national and provincial research projects, published about 30 SCI/EI papers in authoritative journals such as 'Géotechnique' and 'Canadian Geotechnical Journal', and is granted 10 patents and software copyrights. 



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2021-今,     新葡的京集团8814,新葡的京集团8814,“百人计划”副教授
2018-2021, 香港城大,建筑与土木工程系,博士后研究员



  1. 《地下空间规划与设计》(本科)
  2. 《地下建筑结构设计/地下结构工程》(本科)
  3. 《地下工程防灾减灾》(研究生)
  4. 《土木水利工程试验》(研究生)
  5.  地下空间工程研究生第二党支部,支部书记



  1. 管土相互作用(pipe/culvert-soil interaction): 提出了差异沉降下承插式管道与土的相互作用模型, 建立了管道服役性能评估和拟沟法管涵抗震减载设计的可靠度理论;
  2. 地下结构灾变(buried struct. deterioration): 揭示了埋地管道接头损伤诱发的地层入渗侵蚀机理, 完善了隧道管片在地层侵蚀空洞影响下的形变与结构安全分析方法;
  3. 交通岩土工程(transportation geotechnics): 改进了高速铁路路基沉降评估与控制方法设计理论, 明确了工业废渣稳定高速公路过湿黏土路基填料的机制和施工方法.



  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 地层错动变形下承插式管道的损伤演化机制及韧性提升技术研究, 2023-2026, 负责人
  2. 国家重点研发计划子课题, 固原市污水管网运行维护智慧化管控体系综合应用示范, 2022-2026, 负责人
  3. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目, 盾构施工扰动下承插式管道的形变损伤机理及原位加固技术研究, 2024-2026, 负责人
  4. 新葡的京集团8814“百人计划”基本启动项目, 管土相互作用, 2022-2024, 负责人
  5. 校企合作课题, 软土区电缆隧道沉降变形评估及非开挖修复技术研究, 2022-2024, 负责人
  6. 校企合作课题, 何山路西延浅埋小净距隧道施工关键技术研究, 2020-2023, 课题骨干
  7. 校企合作课题, 胥涛路对接横山路隧道工程矩形顶管科研, 2020-2023, 负责人



  1. 隧道工程灾变防控与智能建养全国重点实验室成员, 2023-今
  2. 广东省海洋土木工程重点实验室成员, 2023-今
  3. 广东省岩土力学与工程学会, 环境岩土专委会、青委会委员, 2022-2027
  4. 南方海洋科学与工程实验室(珠海)岛礁与海洋工程创新团队成员, 2022-今
  5. Urban Lifeline, Early Career Editorial Board Member, 2024-今
  6. Frontiers in Earth Science, Review Editor, 2022-今
  7. 国内外学术期刊审稿人: Géotechnique, JGGE, CGJ, Acta Geotech, Reliab Eng Syst Safe, SDEE, Transp Geotech, Struct Concrete, J Clean Prod, J Pipeline Syst Eng, J Zhejiang Univ-SC A等.



  1. 新葡的京集团8814"最佳党日活动", 2024 (地下二支部)
  2. 新葡的京集团8814教学竞赛一等奖、新葡的京集团8814优秀奖, 2024 (地下结构工程)
  3. Best Paper Award 2023, TUST (Liu J. et al.)
  4. Outstanding Reviewer 2022, ASCE (JPSEP)


代表论著(*为通讯且学生为一作, 完整列表请见学术主页)

[1]    Qin X., Zheng S., Ni P. On the response of jointed rigid pipes under abrupt ground subsidence: A closed-form analytical solution [J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2024, 145, 105613.
[2]    Liu J., Xie Q., Ye M., Ni P.*, Qin X.*. Response of UPVC pipes buried in sand under lateral ground movement [J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2023, 138, 105177. (
Best Paper Award 2023)
[3]    Chen Q., Ni P.*, Qin X.*. Numerical Investigation on Failure Modes of Bell-Spigot Jointed Ductile Iron Pipelines Subjected to Normal Faults with Different Dip Angles [J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2023, 133, 104982. 
[4]    Ye M., Xie Q., Ni P.*, Qin X.*. Improved analytical solution of lateral soil restraint for pipes buried in dry sand considering arching effects [J]. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2023,60(6): 802-816.
[5]    Qin X., Wang Y. Different Failure Modes Assessment of Bell-Spigot Jointed Ductile Iron Pipes under Abrupt Transverse Ground Movements [J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2022, 163: 107558.
[6]    Qin X., Zhang G, Ge R. Effect of erosion void on segmental tunnel lining: 2D numerical investigation [J]. Transportation Geotechnics, 2022, 35: 100792.
[7]    Qin X., Wang Y., Fu C. Joint Kinematics and Sealing Capacity Assessment of Ductile Iron Pipes under Abrupt Transverse Ground Movements [J]. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2022, 59(3): 342-358. 
[8]    Qin X., Moore I.D. Laboratory Investigation of Backfill Erosion around Rigid Pipes with defective Joints [J]. Géotechnique, 2022, 72(10): 847-859.
[9]    Qin X., Ni P., Wang Y., Du Y.-J. Mechanical response estimation of jointed rigid pipes under normal fault rupture [J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2021, 146: 106754.
[10]  Qin X., Wang Y. Reliability-based design of rigid pipes installed by induced trench method with tire-derived aggregate inclusions [J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2021, 140: 104456.
[11]  Qin X., Ni P. Kinematics of bell-spigot joints in vitrified clay pipelines under differential ground movement [J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019, 91: 103005.
[12]  Qin X., Ni P., Du Y.-J. Buried rigid pipe-soil interaction in dense and medium sand backfills under downward relative movement: 2D finite element analysis [J]. Transportation Geotechnics, 2019, 21: 100286.
[13]  Qin X., Ni P., Zhou M. Improved analytical solution of vertical pressure on top of induced trench rigid culverts [J]. Geosynthetics International, 2017, 24(6): 615-624.
[14]  杜延军, 刘松玉, 覃小纲, 魏明俐, 吴继峰. 电石渣稳定过湿黏土路基填料路用性能现场试验研究 [J]. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 44(2): 375-380.
[15]  覃小纲, 杜延军, 刘松玉, 魏明俐, 张莹莹. 电石渣改良过湿黏土的物理力学试验研究 [J]. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(S1): 175-180.
[16] 一种承插式管道接头服役性能多自由度加载装置及测试方法. 发明专利, 2024
[17] 一种管道形变监测方法及装置. 发明专利, 2024
[18] 一种下穿河流的超大断面矩形顶管隧道洞口防水结构. 发明专利, 2022
[19] 地层错动下球墨铸铁管安全使用性能评估软件(SEAFA)V1.0. 软著, 2024
[20] 拟沟法管涵可靠度设计软件V1.0. 软著, 2023




依托地下空间团队平台及本人承担的科研课题,诚邀地下、岩土、市政、地质等相关专业的优秀学子加入,进行本科大创、毕设训练,攻读研究生学位,及开展博士后研究。科研合作及招生咨询,敬请联系: qinxg@mail.sysu.edu.cn。