新葡的京集团8814“百人计划”副教授,先进能源科学与技术广东省实验室阳江海上风电实验室副主任,广东省应急管理厅专家委员会委员,阳江市第八届人大代表,共青团广东省委青联十二届委员会委员,广东省侨联委员。长期从事海洋工程基础理论及海上风电应用基础研究。目前主持1项国家自然科学基金项目,承担1项国家重点研发计划子课题,主持1项广东省重点领域研发计划、1项广东省海洋经济发展专项项目,主持2项国家重点实验室基金,并以项目骨干身份参与2项澳大利亚自然科学研究基金(ARC)项目、多项国家自然科学基金项目以及多项其他重点科研项目。受邀担任《中国海洋平台》期刊副主任编委,并为Coastal Engineering、Ocean Engineering、Physics of Fluids、China Ocean Engineering等多个国内外知名工程期刊审稿人。
2009.09 — 2013.09. 大连理工大学,土木工程,学士
2013.12 — 2018.01. The University of Western Australia, Ph.D 导师:Academician/Prof. Liang CHENG
2020 The Best Paper Award of Coastlab2020
2018 Award/Scholarship for International Research
2018 University Postgraduate Award
2017 UWA Safety Net Top-Up Scholarship
2017 Ad-Hoc Postgraduate Scholarship
2017 Ad-Hoc Top Up Scholarship
新葡的京集团8814“百人计划”资助项目,2021.12 — 2024.12,主持
“十四五”广东省重点领域研发计划(先进能源),远海海上风电实时数据采集及高速经济传输系统研制及产业化,2022.01 — 2024.12,主持
国家自然科学基金青年基金,海底管道的阻力危机现象暨高雷诺数边界层转捩研究,2020.01 — 2023.12,主持
科技部国家重点研发计划(新能源),海洋温差能发电平台关键技术与南海海试,2020.01 — 2024.12,子课题负责
上海交通大学海洋工程国家重点实验室基金项目,近壁圆柱绕流的IP法则适用性三维数值模拟研究,2019.01 — 2020.12,主持
大连理工大学海岸及近海工程国家重点实验室青年基金项目,边界层流动不稳定性分析数值模拟研究,2018.01 — 2019.12,主持
科技部国家重点研发计划(海洋能源),深海资源开发的核心技术,2017.07 — 2020.08,项目骨干
国家自然科学基金重大项目课题,深海土与油气管缆的相互作用,2019.01 — 2023.12,项目骨干
国家自然科学基金,复杂海床条件下的边界层特性和小直径管缆在位稳定性分析,2020.01 — 2024.12,项目骨干
国家自然科学基金,近海大跨斜拉桥结构多灾害破坏概率评估方法研究,2021.01 — 2025.12,项目骨干
Australian Research Council (澳大利亚自然科学基金项目),Hydrodynamic forces on small diameter pipelines and cables laid on natural seabed,2015.01 — 2017.12,项目骨干
Yang Fan, An, H., Cheng, L., 2018. Drag crisis of a circular cylinder near a plane boundary. Ocean Engineering 154: 133-142. (JCR Q1)
Yang Fan, Zhou, Z., Lou, X., Lu, L., 2020. Flow around a near-bed horizontal circular cylinder mounted on a vertical wall. Ocean Engineering 216: 123-156. (JCR Q1)
Yang Fan, Zhou, Z., Tang, G., Lu, L., 2021. Steady flow around a square cylinder near a plane boundary. Ocean Engineering, 211. (JCR Q1)
Yang Fan, Qu, L., Lu, L., Tang, G., 2021. Local scour around a porous surface-piercing square monopile in steady current. Ocean Engineering, 223. (JCR Q1)
Liu M., Jin X., Wang L., Yang Fan*, Tang J., 2021, Numerical investigation of local scour around a pipeline under steady currents. Ocean Engineering, 220. (JCR Q1)
Yang Fan, Qu L., Zhang Q., Tang G., Liang B., 2021. Local scour around tandem square porous piles in steady current. Ocean Engineering, 287. (JCR Q1)
Yang Fan, Qu, L., Lu, L., Tang, G., 2021. An efficient scaled boundary finite element approach in bending and bucking analysis of functionally graded piezoelectric plates. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 103. (JCR Q1)
Yang Fan, Peng B., Liu M., 2022. Large eddy simulation on a square cylinder near a plane boundary. Ocean Engineering. Accepted. (JCR Q1)
Zhang Q,,Tang G.,Lu L., Yang Fan*. 2021, Scour protections of collar around a monopile foundation in steady current. Applied Ocean Research, 112. (JCR Q2)
Lou, X., Yang Fan*, Tang, G., 2020. Wavelet multiresolution analysis on wake structures behind a yawed square cylinder. Journal of Turbulence, (JCR Q2)
Liu, J., He, B., Ye W., Yang Fan, 2021. High performance model for buckling of functionally graded sandwich beams using a new semi-analytical method. Composite Structures, 176: 376-402. (JCR Q1)
Liu, J., Hao, C., Ye, W., Yang Fan, Lin, G., 2021. Free vibration and transient dynamic response of functionally graded sandwich plates with power-law non-homogeneity by the scaled boundary finite element method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,2021. (JCR Q1)
Yang, B., Yang, Fan*, Liang, B., Zhang, Q., Wang, Z., Wang, J., 2022. Numerical investigation of the interaction between the moving plate and sediment plume. Ocean Engineering, 248: 110839. (JCR Q1)
2020-2021 International Conference on Water & Environmental Engineering (iCWEE) 会议筹备委员会委员/分区主题演讲人
2021-2022 SEMICONMEET2021 受邀主题演讲人
Numerical study on End Effect of a near-wall cylinder with a perpendicular wall,International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Research and Practice, 2019, Sydney, Australia, 11/2019 特邀报告
Experimental study of local scour around porous piles in steady currents,ISMEG2019-2nd International Symposium on Marine Engineering Geology, Dalian, China, 10/2019特邀报告
Local scour around porous subsea cubic caissons in steady current. 8th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science (CoastLab2020), Zhoushan, China, 11/2020 口头报告