代超,新葡的京集团8814副教授,新葡的京集团8814百人计划学者。主要研究方向为资源环境系统分析(如水资源、能源、粮食和环境系统管理)、水文水动力水环境模拟、非点源污染与生物修复以及气候变化对水资源环境区域响应。在国际学术期刊Journal of Hydrology、Science of the Total Environment, Agricultural Water Management, Ecological Engineering等发表SCI学术论文30余篇,H指数为17。
- 2012-2016 北京大学 博士
- 2009-2012 华北电力大学 硕士
- 2005-2009 华中农业大学 学士
- 2021至今 新葡的京集团8814 副教授
- 2016-2021年 南洋理工大学(新加坡) 博士后研究员
- 国家自然科学基金青年项目“基于流域非点源污染随机模拟的BMPs自适应优化配置研究”(2021-2023年),主持
- 新加坡PUB项目“Microbiological, Chemical and Physical Interactions in Rock Cavern Water Storage”(2016-2019年),参与
- 国家水专项“滇池流域水污染治理与富营养化综合控制技术及示范项目”(2012-2016年),参与
- Dai C, Qin X.S., Lu W.T., 2020. A fuzzy fractional programming model for optimizing water footprint of crop planting and trading in the Hai River Basin, China, Journal of Cleaner Production 278: 123196.
- Dai C, Qin X.S., Lu W.T., Zang, H.K., 2020. A multimodel assessment of drought characteristics and risks over the Huang-Huai-Hai River basin, China, under climate change, Theoretical and Applied Climatology 141: 601–613.
- Dai C, Qin X.S., Lu W.T., Huang, Y., 2020. Assessing adaptation measures on agricultural water productivity under climate change: A case study of Huai River Basin, China, Science of the Total Environment 137777.
- Dai C, Qin X.S., 2019. Assessment of effectiveness of multi-site stochastic weather generator on hydrological modeling in the Red Deer River watershed, Canada, Hydrological Sciences Journal 64: 1616-1628.
- Dai C, Qin X.S., Chen, Y., Guo, H.C., 2018. Dealing with equality and benefit for water allocation in a lake watershed: A Gini-coefficient based stochastic optimization approach, Journal of Hydrology 561: 322-334.
- Dai C, Qin X.S., Tan, Q., Guo, H.C., 2018. Optimizing best management practices for nutrient pollution control in a lake watershed under uncertainty, Ecological Indicators 92: 288-300.
- Dai, C., Cai, Y.P., Ren, W., Xie, Y.F., Guo, H.C., 2016. Identification of optimal placements of best management practices through an interval-fuzzy possibilistic programming model. Agricultural Water Management (165) 108–121.
- Dai, C., Tan, Q., Lu, W.T., Y. Liu, Guo, H.C., 2016. Identification of optimal water transfer schemes for restoration of a eutrophic lake: An integrated simulation-optimization method, Ecological Engineering 95: 409–421
- Dai, C., Guo, H.C., Tan, Q., Ren W., 2016. Development of constructed wetland network for mitigating nonpoint source pollution through a GIS-based inexact optimization approach. Ecological Engineering 96: 94-108.
- Dai, C., Cai, Y.P., Lu, W.T., Liu, H., Guo, H.C., 2016. Conjunctive water use optimization for watershed-lake water distribution system under uncertainty: a case study Water Resources Management 30: 4429.
- Dai, C., Sun, W., Tan, Q., Yi, X., Guo, H.C., 2016. Risk management for sulfur dioxide abatement under multiple uncertainties. Frontiers of Earth Science 1:87-107
- Dai, C., Cai, Y.P., Liu, Y., Wang, W.J., Guo, H.C., 2015. A generalized interval fuzzy chance-constrained programming method for domestic wastewater management under uncertainty – a case study of Kunming, China. Water Resources Management 29:3015-3036.
- Dai, C., Cai, X.H., Cai, Y.P., Guo, H.C., 2014. A simulation-based fuzzy possibilistic programming model for coal blending management with consideration of human health risk under uncertainty. Applied Energy 133: 1-13.
- Dai, C., Cai, Y.P., Li, Y.P., Sun, W., Wang, X.W., Guo, H.C., 2014. Optimal strategies for carbon capture, storage and utilization based on an inexact -measure fuzzy chance-constrained programming. Energy 78:465-478
- Dai, C., Cai, X.H., Cai, Y.P., Huo,Q., Lv,Y., Huang, G.H., 2014. An interval-parameter mean-CVaR two-stage stochastic programming approach for waste management under uncertainty. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 28, 167-187.
- Dai, C., Cai, X.H., Cai, Y.P., Guo, H.C., Sun, W., Tan, Q., Huang, G.H., 2014. An integrated simulation and optimization approach for managing human health risks of atmospheric pollutants by coal-fired power plants. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 64: 704-720.
- Dai, C., Li, Y.P., Cai, Y.P., Huang, G.H., Sun, W., 2019. A support vector regression and Monte Carlo simulation - based interval two-stage programming for environmental systems planning in Beijing. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 18: 329-348.
- Dai, C., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., 2012. An interval-parameter chance-constrained dynamic programming approach for capacity planning under uncertainty. Resources Conservation and Recycling 62(2):37–50.
- Dai, C., Li, Y.P., Huang, G.H., 2011. A two-stage support-vector-regression optimization model for municipal solid waste management-a case study of Beijing, China. Journal of Environmental Management 92: 3023-37.
- Dai, C; Qin, X.S.; Guo, H.C. (2017). SWAT-based optimization for agricultural nonpoint sources pollution control, In Proceedings of the 37th IAHR World Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13-18 August, 2017, pp.4507-4511.
- Song W.K., Li, J.B., Dai, C., Liu, Y.P., 2011. Prediction of Landfill Leachate Treatment using Artificial Neural Network Model. 2010 International Conference on Biology, Environment and Chemistry Singapore
- Li, W., Dai C., Liu, L., Li, Y.L. 2010. Optimization Model and PID Temperature Control System Design for CO2 Capture Process by CaO Carbonation-CaCO3 Calcination Cycles. Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), IEEE PES Asia-Pacific
- 《Water》客座编辑(“Lake Eutrophication Management”专刊)
- 《Journal of Hydrology》、《Water Resources Research》和《Water Resources Management》等期刊审稿人
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